2025 Taxes
Loyalsock Township: 0.5 mills
Lycoming County: 6.5 mills
Loyalsock School: 15.35 mills (2024-2025 School Year)
The County and Township Real Estate taxes are issued on the same bill in Loyalsock. This is generally a blue bill and issued the first week of March. The School Real Estate Taxes are issued the first week of July, and this is generally a white bill.
LST Collection
Local Services Tax are $52.00 per year for all employees, owners, individual contractors, and realtors working in Loyalsock Township. The employer shall deduct the tax evenly from employee paychecks throughout the year for all employees whose total earned income (or net profits) from all sources within the Township is greater than $12,000.
LST is collected by the Township Tax Collector and can be paid quarterly.
BPT Collection
Business Privilege Taxes are due by April 30 each year and based on the Gross Revenue of the business entity. The tax rate is $1.50 per $1,000 of gross receipts of business for retail services and rental accounts, and $1.00 per $1,000 of gross receipts of business for wholesale.
- Click here to read the Business Privilege Tax Resolution
- Click here to read Rules and Regulations regarding the Business Privilege Tax
Business License
An annual Business License is required for all Businesses in Loyalsock Township. This includes traditional businesses, realtors, and landlords. The License is $10.00 per year and due by January 31 each year.
Tax Collector
The office of Tax Collector is an elected office, with a four (4) year term of office. Dorothy “Dottie” White Mertz was elected to this office in 1998 and has been re-elected every four years since then. Her current term runs until December 2025.
The elected Tax Collector is responsible for the collection and reporting of Township taxes levied.
Dorothy “Dottie” White Mertz
2132 Northway Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
Real Estate (570) 321-8020
Business (570) 601-1212
Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesday
9am to 5pm
These office hours may change throughout the year. Extended office hours are offered at the end of each discount period.
The office is closed when the School District is closed for inclement weather and traditional holidays.
EIT Collection
A 1.65% Earned Income Tax (EIT) is levied as a tax on individual gross earned income / compensation and net profits. The tax is based on the taxpayer’s place of residence (not their place of employment). The EIT is separate from the Pennsylvania personal income tax. In most cases, your employer already deducts the EIT from your regular paycheck.
EIT collected by:
Keystone Collections Group
Phone: 724-978-0300
Toll Free: 1-866-539-1100