Peddling and Soliciting

The Township Codes Office would like to provide some guidance regarding salespeople who are going door-to-door in our Township. These salespeople may be trying to sell windows, doors, solar services and products, etc. We advise that you proceed with caution when answering the door to a salesperson. Most importantly, you should first ask if they have a solicitor’s license issued and signed by our Township Codes Officer and then ask to see it. If they claim to have a license, but are unable to show you their license, immediately ask them to leave and close the door. When the Township issues a license, it is not an endorsement of the quality or safety of a product. The license allows us to check that whoever is going door-to-door in our neighborhoods is legitimate and helps to protect residents from potential scams. If the salesperson can show you the license and you have an interest in the product or service they are selling, refrain from signing any contracts until you have done your own research. Check to be sure the company being represented is reputable and check for reviews on what is being sold and read all the fine print. Unfortunately, some salespeople are trained to use high-pressure tactics. If you are a senior resident, please seek the advice of a family member or someone you trust before you sign and buy. The Township has an ordinance that pertains to peddlers and solicitors. Click HERE to view Chapter 154, Peddling and Soliciting .If you have any questions or concerns, please call the township office at 570-323-6151. If a solicitor refuses to leave your property or acts in an aggressive or suspicious manner, please contact the PA State Police.