Community Swimming Pool

Do you want to spend your summer at the Loyalsock Pool?

Some of the benefits include:
-Flexible Schedule
-Certification Reimbursement
-$12.00/hr starting pay
-Fun and friendly work environment
-Meet new people and help your community

If you’re interested in applying and need your certification (must be 15 yrs old) contact Shannon at the Loyalsock Recreation Department: 570-567-7525.

Daily Fee without a pool pass. Residents must show ID.

$7.00 per person age 12 and up
$6.00 per person ages 2-11
Free: Under 2

$9.00 per person age 12 and up
$8.00 per person age 2 – 11
Free: Under 2

$4.00 Non-Swimmer Fee

A photo ID must be shown to receive the resident rate.

Note: The pool manager or the Director of Recreation and Parks reserves the right to change hours of operation, or to close the pool for weather, attendance, or other safety concerns without prior notice.

The Loyalsock Township Recreation and Parks Department offers the following pool programs:

  • Swim Lessons
  • Lifeguarding
  • Swim Team
  • Children’s Birthday Parties (during pool hours)

Swim Lesson Sign Up Rules: All swim lesson registration forms and payment must be taken to the Loyalsock Recreation Center, 1607 Four Mile Drive prior to the start of the session. There will be a limited number of spaces for each time slot. These changes are being made to better serve the participants of the program.

Pool Pass Procedure: Pool passes will no longer be available for purchase or pick up at the pool. You must purchase and pick up your passes at the Loyalsock Community Recreation Center prior to going to the pool. If you have any questions please call the Recreation Department at 570-567-7525. 
Note: To qualify for a family membership, only dependents living in the same household and claimed on one federal income tax form are eligible. Proof of this may be required.

Gift Certificates: Gift Certificates are available for daily passes which are perfect for family or out of town guests. They can be purchased at the Recreation Center. Gift Certificates are also available for seasonal or monthly pool passes. These make a great gift for the holidays. These can only be purchased at the Recreation Center. The Recreation Center is located at 1607 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport and is open Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:30pm. If you have any questions call 570-567-7525.

Smoking Policy: Smoking is prohibited inside the pool complex and directly outside of the pool entrance.

Dates & Hours

Loyalsock Community Pool
2103 Northway Road
Williamsport, PA 17701

Public Swim Dates:
May 24, 25, 26; May 31, June 1
Open full time June 6

Monday – Thursday 1:00 pm – 7:45 pm
Friday – Sunday 1:00 pm – 6:45 pm

Adult and Senior Lap Swim:
Daily 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Note: Management reserves the right to keep the pool closed due to weather, attendance, or other conditions, and to regulate hours of pool operation.

Pool Birthday Parties

Pool birthday parties include tables reserved for 2 hours, admission into the pool, and games with a lifeguard. You provide your own food and beverages (alcoholic beverages are not permitted). 

If you wish to put up any decorations, please speak to the pool manager first. For pricing and/or to sign up for a party, Contact the Recreation Department at 570-567-7525.